Episode 1: Oct. 1

The premier centered around Joan and her fiance' Aaron who proposed to her in last season's finale. All of us fans knew this long awaited marriage proposal could only mean one of two things; Either it's the end of the world, or the end of show. But who really knows?
The show opens with an outdoor performance by Indigo Skye, also known as Lynn Searcy. Maya, Darnell, William, and Monica cheer on from the grass. Joan and Aaron showed up after "Lynndigo's" performance and are obviously not too happy with each other. We find out Joan bought a stove/range that "cost too much damn money" after they agreed not to buy it.
After encouragement from Maya to open up about their fight, Aaron complains that Joan is making decisions that they should be making together and he'd only put his foot down about this one thing. Joan proceeds to use her superhuman I-can-chase-any-man-away powers to tell Aaron "if you wanna be head of the household, you need to make some head of the household money." Yes...in front of the whole crew. Aaron leaves Joan at the concert and Maya and Monica give her a little marital advice about compromise.
Joan goes home to pick yet another fight with Aaron who says he doesn't want to talk about it. But as usual, Joan doesn't listen and yaps away. Aaron takes off his pants and tosses them at her telling her she won't be happy until she's the man and the woman in the relationship. Yes we all know...Joan has a few control issues.
There were more arguments about Joan wanting a "yes-man" (and being a lunatic) and Aaron wanting to get married at the place they had their first date instead of Joan's choice of some upscale restaurant. So lunatic Joan decided to move out and complains to Maya that she had to find the one man who has "opinions and sentimental reasons for doing everything." (Poor, crazy Joan). She solicited help with her packing after which Maya responded "I don't enable stupidity."
As Joan packed her stuff Aaron came home and they made up (yes it was that simple). He didn't want his boo to leave. I don't know where she was moving to anyway. Lynn rents her house from her and had the nerve to ask for Joan's spare key. But then, Aaron got a letter in the mail, his National Guard unit had been called to Iraq.
Here's what I think:
Not bad for the season premier but aren't we getting tired of Joan chasing men away? She needs to get a clue. Maya is pregnant and Darnell bought his business back last season. I'm interested in finding out what lies ahead for them. And Lynn...well Lynn is Lynn and yes she's my fave. I guess we'll see where her music career takes her. I would love to see Toni make an appearance. I didn't realize how important she was to the show until she left. She needs to come back!!!
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