Episode 4: October 10th
See ya Victoria!
I thought Victoria would be one of those models that got on my last nerve but would somehow make it through six or seven eliminations. Well I was wrong about that, but I was right about one thing...besides the fact that this is one of the ugliest pictures I've ever seen on the show, it was her lack of social & communication skills and charm that kept her from making it much further in the competition. Can you say smart ass?

Makeover Time!
The notorious makeover. Every emotion from fear to ecstasy has been displayed when makeover time comes around. This season was a little different though. Everyone may not have loved their hair, but no one quit and left the show or cried like a baby while sitting in the chair. Well....maybe one. Depends on how you look at it. Bianca's hair was so damaged they ended up shaving it down like a boy. Seeing as how that wasn't their first intention I can see how she would be upset. They gave her a Beyonce' wig to wear and it doesn't look too bad on her. But let this be a lesson learned...stay away from all those chemicals. That purple/pink/red (whatever color that was) dye in her hair wasn't getting it. See 'Makeover Awards" Link for makeover breakdown.
Photo Shoot - I'm a Flower (or something that grows)
Dressed as various flowers and plants, the ladies got to spend some time outdoors with the green life.
The Challenge - All About the Makeup
Covergirl.com has a new feature called the Covergirl Makeup Mirror which allows you to "upload your photo and try on beauty looks at home." The models had five minutes to make themselves up using a "dramatic eye paired with a glossy nude lip." They then had to put on an outfit and shoes (with their name on it) and get on the runway in time for the show. Sarah won - woo hoo I like Sarah! Her look will be uploaded onto the website and she gets to shoot a video on how to use the tool. Janet could have won but she couldn't find the right dress in time.
The Panel - Tyra, Twiggy, Nigel, Lionel Deluy, & Ms. J
Who Was Great?
Ambreal (rose) - No one else could've done those roses any justice. "A rose with an attitude." Mr. J said her face lacks the grace and elegance that she so effortlessly expresses through her body. I'm not too sure about her. I don't see her in the top 5 but I see her getting really close.
Jenah (moss) - OK...it should be known by now that Jenah is not my favorite and despite my consistent effort to prove that she's a member of the Texas Chainsaw family, her last couple of photos have been Off Da Hook! Best picture tonigh! Tyra said she took risks and chances and Deluy (photographer) said that when she gets signed he wants to work with her.
Lisa (bamboo) - She had some issues being versatile during her shoot but she pulled it off. The panel loved her face even though Tyra said it wasn't her strongest photo shoot and she needs to take more chances. I liked her photo but is it just me or is her hairline back kinda far? Anyway...the panel thinks she's playing it too safe. I kinda agree.
Janet (hydrangea) - The panel said she's the most improved but Tyra said she didn't like her film because it looked too posed. I'm rooting for Janet but she looked a little thugged out at judging. The panel agreed that she sometimes comes off as "men's magazine." I want to see her in the top 3.
Heather (weeds) - Wow! Weeds? That's the best they could come up with? With all that green make-up on she said she felt like a witch while everyone else got to be a princess. I almost wish they would stop doing this to her but she worked it even though she looked like she was dressed for Halloween. Bride of Frankenstein? Once again...the panel loved it.
Sarah (Ivy) - When I think ivy, I think 'poison ivy' which makes me think something sinful and sexy...but that's just me. Sarah didn't quite work the sexy angle. The panel said she was elegant and "part of the plant" but actually complained that she's losing weight. She's supposed to be the plus-size model! They said it's working against her.
Ebony (bird of paradise) - Finally! A great photo shoot which really impressed the judges. Tyra said she was blown away by her film and her photo was beautiful. She looked like Toucan Sam's ghetto cousin but she was cool. It's unanimously agreed that she simply lacks charm and is not likable in person. I still think it's confidence she lacks...maybe a little lack of personality too though.
Not So Great
Saleisha (tulip) - Damn girl! Almost didn't make it. And right after you said you were never going to the bottom two! Cocky? I think it was her confidence speaking. When I set my mind to something I wouldn't dare say "I might not go to the bottom two." This girl stood in total shock as the panel ripped her photo apart. Ms. J said she looked like a wilted tulip in need of water. Mr. J and Tyra said that her new 'do gives her a high-fashion look but she totally lost the connection in the eyes.
Bianca (sunflower) - This flower was perfect for her big bald head. Mr. J said she was "so amazing on set today." He noted that sometimes it takes a complete emotional breakdown to build yourself up. I must say she definitely looked more confident than last week. And I love the way she told the panel that with her bald head and her Beyonce' wig, she now has two looks to work with. Tyra said she has regal beauty now but everyone seemed to agree that the photo was wack and she looked uncomfortable.
Victoria (cactus) - She cut Twiggy off during a critique AGAIN! Strike 3! She also joked that she wanted to put on sneakers and a t-shirt and go to the library. Well that's probably where she is right now. Mr. J said she over thought the entire photo shoot. I think she just always wants to prove how smart she is. Don't you get it Victoria? Your intelligence has no place in the modeling industry! It doesn't mean squat! I'm not saying models are dumb...I'm just saying nobody cares. So take your picture and shut the hell up!
Chantal (baby's breath) - Based on this picture alone she probably would've gone home. She claimed she got conflicting direction from Mr. J and the photographer but Tyra said that's just the way it is sometimes. She looked like she was about to cry during the entire shoot. She tried so hard to look confident as she approached the panel...but she knew better. Tyra told her she's not leading the pack anymore. Ouch! I'm not a Chantal fan in any way whatsoever, however, I don't think she's going home just yet. Not unless she lets that bad photo shoot totally defeat her and screw her up in the future.
Who got called first?
Jenah - 2 weeks in a row!
Covergirl of the Week?
Bottom 2?
Saleisha and Victoria. Are you serious? How can you even stand Saleisha next to Victoria? Yes I'm a huge Saleisha fan but that has absolutely nothing to do with this. Victoria sucked. Maybe Saleisha just needed to be brought down a notch or two on the confidence ladder. I still don't think she's cocky.
Who's going home next week?
My bottom 2 predictions:
Bianca - I'm sticking with Bianca. Why the hell is she still on the show? Nigel and Twiggy said she looked amateur, stiff, and uncomfortable. She's proven time and time again that she DOES NOT know how to model regardless of what she looks like. Honestly, I think Tyra just gave her another chance to embrace her "new regal beauty." Tyra said she doesn't quite understand it yet and needs to own it. I think Tyra is the only one batting for her. She's going home next week.
Ebony - Her couple of weeks is up. Her time is coming. I can't believe she grew on me as much as she has. Maybe I just feel sorry for her. She looks like she's depressed. She's got some things to work on.
I missed it again this week. These updates are very helpful. Glad to see another non-stand out go home. They're kicking them off in just the right order if you ask me. Bianca should be next to go. I don't like her.
Saleisha was so shocked that they were dogging her at the panel! I wish Janice was there to tell Victoria off. That would've been hilarious.
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