Episode 6: October 24th
See ya Ebony!
Without question this was one the worst pictures I've ever seen on the show. But Tyra gave her another shot! That's right...Ebony didn't get picked to go home but said "you know what Tyra, this modeling thing just isn't for me." To which Tyra responded, "The most unattractive thing in the world to me is a quitter...so roll out chick!" (well, something like that). I'm no psychologist but if you want to know my take on this I saved it for the end, so check it out.

The Challenge - I Have a Purpose
Tyson Beckford schooled the ladies on being a spokesperson then met them at the "I am African" campaign which supports "Keep a Child Alive" (a response to the AIDS epidemic in Africa). The models were divided in groups of 3 and had 30 minutes to create a 30 second PSA. Ambreal, Jenah, and Heather won. Heather then won a photo shoot with Mary J. Blige because her name got picked out of a bowl. I was impressed with all the groups but I think Bianca's group would've won if she hadn't forgot her lines.
Photo Shoot - Recycle Your Outfit
"As America's Next Top Model, you have to give back." Each model took a high fashion photo representing various recyclable materials.
The Panel - Tyra, Twiggy, Nigel, Tyson, & Ms. J
Who Was Great?
Saleisha (car parts) - The panel agreed this was the best shot of the week. It was "beautiful and high fashion" and she's definitely improving. I really wasn't all that impressed with any of the photo's this week so I can go along with that. She did a good job.
Jenah (cardboard)- The Panel loves her. I think her pose was great but her face wasn't. I know she has potential but I still don't like her. Mr. J says her strong point is her ability to take direction which is a vital attribute to remain successful in the business. Twiggy must be her biggest fan.
Heather (aluminum cans) - She finally got that straight-on shot the panel wanted to see. They called it "brilliant, strong, and confident." Bullsh*t! HATED IT. Her others have been so much better.
Bianca (oil) - She finally learned to "smile with her eyes" just like Tyra told her last week. Tyra said her face was "stunning and alive." Can you hear me groaning? The panel thinks she needs more practice but there's hope for her. I say...don't let that Hood fool you! Her words and actions are strategic...not genuine. She'll never make it. However, her face looked really good in this photo. She should've had on her Beyonce' wig though. Her face kind of looked like her. I give her 2 more weeks tops! Maybe one!
Sarah (garbage bags) - Mr. J thought she was creative and the panel agreed that her photo was "well done." They also feel that by losing weight she's losing her spot in a niche career as a "plus-size" model. I didn't like this photo AT ALL. I thought it was one of her worst. She won't last much longer.
Lisa (plastic bottles) - Lisa provides great poses using those long limbs of hers and really impressed Mr. J. But Tyra said her risks aren't risky enough. The panel actually liked her photo but are beginning to feel she's a little too "stagnant and stuck in a comfort zone." I'm not sure if I agree but I think she can step it up. But what the hell is up with her hair?!
Chantal (newspaper) - Seriously, this was in my personal bottom 3 and I can't imagine that I'm alone on this one. This photo sucked. Tyra said it was a money shot but her film "wasn't the best." I'm ready for her to go home now. Her time is near.
Bottom 2
Ebony (bubble wrap) - This girl done lost her damn mind. Let me break this down. It was never a secret that Ebony couldn't handle the criticism. Tyra even said that it's not modeling that doesn't work for her, it's being told she's not perfect. The Real Deal...Ebony was insecure from the beginning and tried to hide it with false confidence. Somebody, somewhere broke that girl down a long time ago and this was her attempt to prove something to herself and to all those around her. But when faced with the same criticism that she's been battling for years, it just broke her back down. She even said the criticism was "unfair." I can't fault her for having low confidence. I just hope she can get past it one day.
Ambreal (newspaper) - Talk about criticism! The panel said she was boring, inexperienced, forgot about her face, sleepy in the eyes, and Mr. J said there were NO positives about her photo shoot. She was supposed to go home but Ebony saved her. She's outta here. If she hasn't stepped it up yet, she's not going to.
Who got called first?
Covergirl of the Week?
Heather! What is this the 5th week in a row? Way to go!
Who's going home next week?
My bottom 2 predictions:
Sarah - She's not bad, the competition is just about to get tough. She's mediocre and won't make the cut much longer.
Ambreal - Good poses just aren't gonna cut it. My take on Ambreal is that her dancing experience gives her those great poses but her face just doesn't get it. She simply doesn't know how to give a great face. It's always BLAH.
I guess its fate that i miss this show every week. Yesterday we had water damage and had to unplug the TV. I can't believe Bianca is still in it. It's inly for ratings, trust! Sad about Ebony. She could have gone fat - I like her look. Ambreal is a fellow Howardite with a lot of spunk, but other than that she doesn't impress me much. I'm surprised Heather is beasting the way she is. She reminds me of Marilyn Manson. Saleisha is cute, but I just don't think her look is high fashion. Lisa is cool, I guess she's my new favorite now that Janet is gone. The rest if the girls are all a blur to me so I guess they don't stand out. 'Til next week!
Marilyn Manson LOL!
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