Episode 5: October 17th
See ya Janet!
Clearly I'm not a judge for a reason. After seeing the photo shoot today I thought I knew for sure who was going home...Sarah. Talk about not following direction. That's a major no-no in the modeling word. But I guess Janet had an even bigger no-no...needing too much direction. In person Janet had them all beat. Even though her photos didn't typically move me, I figured it was only a matter of time. I guess not! Nevertheless, I'm thoroughly upset. Once you got down to that bottom 3 the panel chose, Janet's pictures just didn't compete with Sarah and Ambreal (I won't discuss the fact that THEY shouldn't have even been the bottom 3).

The Challenge - Models on Ice
I was scared for these women when Benny Ninja said they were going to pose on the ice IN THE AIR. After practicing on a trampoline (which was downright painful to watch) the ladies got to practice while just standing. Then it was off to the ice where a male skater flipped them over his head as they had to express a specific emotion. Lisa won and no one seemed too happy about it because they thought Ambreal should have won. But Ninja said she overdid it. Lisa won a photo shoot with Dani for Akademiks in Seventeen Magazine. Dani was the Cycle 6 winner and a judge of the challenge.
Photo Shoot - Super Duper High Fashion Gargoyle
"Sometimes the world of high fashion will take you to new heights and push you to the edge of your limits." The models had to pose as gargoyles in high fashion gear and appear as if they were on the edge of a building.
The Panel - Tyra, Twiggy, Nigel, Benny Ninja, & Ms. J
Who Was Great?
Lisa - Once she stopped over thinking her poses, she ended up taking the best picture of the bunch. Sometimes she appears a bit insecure and she was bothered by her jealous competition who became haters when she won the challenge. Tyra told her not to "dull her shine for somebody else." - I like that.
Saleisha - Tyra said that her bottom two shock from last week was the wake-up call she needed and she was proud of her performance. Compared to last week she definitely looked a lot more confident.
Jenah - The Panel agreed that this was a different side of Jenah and she usually looks soft. I see what they mean but I've been more impressed by her photos in the past. I was NOT impressed by this one. Her body was good but her face sucked. Tyra said she looks raggedy at panel and fantastic in photos. I told ya'll she looks like a hillbilly.
Ebony - Mr. J said she's "dull as dishwater." LOL. Well yes she lacks in the personality department but the panel seems to think that she's growing and this photo was "absolutely stunning." I thought her body was good but the angle of her face looked like a man. At panel she said she doesn't smile because she thinks she has big gums (LOL). She MUST work on her personality and her confidence. These good photos aren't going to save her forever.
Heather - This girl makes a helluva gargoyle! She can come up with the best body poses but the panel is tired of seeing her profile. Tyra said she's in her comfort zone and lacks confidence in "straight-on" photos. She's "stunning" in straight-on poses and needs to get it together. I agree but it doesn't seem to matter what the hell Heather does, her photos are always on point. She just needs that versatility
Chantal - Has anyone else noticed the way she approaches the panel like she's in some kind of pageant with that big ridiculous smile on her face? She tries to display a confidence and a sweetness that I don't think is there. I'm less and less impressed by her every week. Hell I coulda took a picture like that one. The panel thought it was "pretty good."
Bianca - Mr. J thought she "turned the shoot out." The panel thought it was a beautiful photo and one of her best. Well it was definitely one of her best...but that really doesn't take much seeing as how all of her other photos looked like crap. I don't care how many good photos she takes, her jealousy of anyone in the spotlight is her own worst enemy. She's a hater by nature.
Not So Great
Sarah - It was obvious from the photo shoot that she totally bombed. I thought her photo was the worst of the bunch tonight. She was just standing there. There was no gargoyle and the panel felt she totally missed the point and didn't do what she was asked. I like Sarah but she has to think outside the box from now on. I thought this photo was going to send her home.
Ambreal - She just keeps giving them the same face! Her body poses are graceful and beautiful but she totally lacks creativity. Ms. J said she looked like a "fashionable robot." I was disappointed. She looked like a damn gymnast on that trampoline. Without versatility, her time is coming sooner than I thought. I'm not going to put her in my bottom two predictions because I think she's going to step it up next week. We'll see. Her confidence has taken a couple of blows. I hope it doesn't affect her.
Janet - Janet was so worried about her white panties she couldn't relax, let go, and just take the picture . It was agreed that she needs too much direction and can't seem to get the poses right on her own. Based on all her photos alone I think the panel was right on. However, I think other people (Bianca) have been given far too many chances and Janet deserved another chance. She just needed a little more time to grow.
Who got called first?
Covergirl of the Week?
Heather! Again
Bottom 2?
Ambreal and Janet. Surprised? Well everyone is waiting to throw a party the day Bianca goes home. Every cycle it never fails...there's ONE person I simply cannot stand who manages to stick around FOREVER. Last season it was that damn Renee. This season I didn't think there was going to be one because I thought Bianca would've been long gone by now. Based on tonights episode alone I'm not surprised by the bottom two. But I never base my decision on one episode.
Who's going home next week?
My bottom 2 predictions:
Sarah - I figured once they got the really bad ones out, she's next. I like her and I think she's pretty and probably has the best personality out the bunch, but her face isn't strong enough.
Bianca - I won't give up. I think based on her lack of modeling skills her time has to be up. Four weeks in a row they said she doesn't even know how to be a model! I think she got lucky this week. She sucks. Not just her attitude. I don't like her as a model.
Ebony might go further than people think. All she has to do is smile and show she has a personality.
Janet was my pick!! Man that sucks. I only saw half of last night's show, seemed like the autistic one should go home. She didn't even make it in the air on the ice.
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