December 12, 2007


ANTM - cwtv
Finale: December 12th

Way 2 Go Saleisha!!! was no secret that Saleisha and Lisa were my two favorites from the beginning. But somehow Lisa let her lack of confidence get her kicked off and Chantal ended up in the top two. After Lisa left, I felt like the competition was pretty much over. She was the only one I thought could really compete with Saleisha. Chantal could've gone home about 5 weeks ago and I know the real reason they kicked Jenah to the curb was because of her jacked up grill. I'm still shocked that never came up (well it could've been edited out).

I never ever ever liked Jenah anyway and I never saw what they saw in her. Maybe in some of her photos but only the earlier ones. But Twiggy was right, the moment she received a little criticism she totally broke and she never recovered. Even though I didn't like her she was doing fine up until that point.

Just goes to show what drive and determination can get you.

I'm so glad Saleisha won! I think she's so cute but I still think she looked better before her makeover. That Tootie-Bob just doesn't get it for me. They say it's high fashion and I'm sure that's great for high-fashion photo shoots...but what about the non-high fashion shoots? She looks like a damn fool in some of them because that weave isn't very versatile. She better get her a Beyonce' weave...Hell Tyra's got one.

November 29, 2007

ANTM Ep.11 (11/28)

ANTM - cwtv
Episode 11: November 28th

See ya Heather!
Had I realized that this was "Go See" week, I would've known good and damn well that Heather's time was up. However, it wasn't solely for her lack of
a decent runway walk or social skills as I assumed it would be. Turns out, she wasn't even smart enough to make it to her go-sees in the first place. She wandered around the streets of China without even the slightest clue. She even lost her cab. Jenah didn't even offer her a ride. Competitive move or just plain rude?

Go Sees Already? Wow
For you new Top Model watchers, a "go see" is when a model meets with a client who then decides whether or not to book her for the job. The ladies have to impress the designers with their portfolio, runway walk, and of course their personality. Whoever impresses the most clients and actually makes it back to the model agency in time wins. Only Bianca and Saleisha made it back on time. Apparently the designers felt that all Saleisha's photo's looked the same and Bianca won the ad campaign for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

Photo Shoot - Stand out in a Crowd
Surrounded by dancing colorful Chinese lions, dragons, and who knows what else, the top five had to prove they could stand out in a crowd in their photo. Photographed my Mr. Nigel himself, Jenah managed to make him dislike her even more than he already did with her cocky ass attitude and big mouth.

The Panel - Tyra, Twiggy, Nigel, Susan Yang (model agency director), & Ms. J
Who Was Great?

Saleisha - The designers all felt she was nice and had a great personality. How do you say "ass kisser" in Chinese? Nigel said he was her favorite to shoot. Her photo was unquestionably the best and Tyra said this was the first time she didn't look like a "commercial girl trying to be edgy." I'd have to agree. I was impressed. She gets better every week...however, her goofy, ass kissing personality is starting to bug me. At first I thought it was's not anymore.

Chantal - I thought she looked like a mannequin during her shoot. Mr. J. and Nigel said her poses were forced and lacked that certain naturalness. But her shot turned out pretty good. Aside from not wearing nude toned undies on her go sees, she was well liked by the designers.

Who Was OK
Bianca - The panel agreed that her body language was great but her faced looked bored and tired. Nigel said her transitions from one pose to the next weren't fluid and it was his least favorite photo. It looked to me like she was putting too much thought into her next pose. It didn't come naturally.

Bottom 2
Jenah - Am I the only one who's noticed that Jenah's bottom row of teeth look like they're all in a fight with each other? Who in the hell does this chick think she is? Jenah has this whole competition all wrong. She claimed that she didn't have to impress the designers on the go sees and for some reason she didn't see the need to impress Nigel during the shoot saying she wasn't intimidated by him. Wow! Nigel said he managed to get a good shot but he's not the least bit impressed with her arrogance or sarcasm. The designers said she was "messy looking and could stand to be more personable." I say she's about 10 years too late on a set of braces. She can't be a CoverGirl with teeth like that! What's she gonna be on the cover of?... You Need Some F**king Braces Magazine?

Heather - Mr. J said she second guessed herself but her photo managed to come out flawless. How does she do that? She only made it to one go see and had the nerve to be late back to the agency. Ms. J said her runway walk warranted a "top model ass kickin." Ya think?! Nigel said he's concerned about her communication skills. Well duh! It took 3/4 of a season to figure that out? Well Heather...I guess you can't take flawless photos if you can't even make it to the client. At least someone else gets to be CoverGirl of the Week.

Who got called first?

CoverGirl of the Week? we care anymore?

Who's going home next week?
My bottom 2 predictions:

Jenah and Chantal...I would say Bianca but she's already defied the laws of the universe by even being in the top 10.

November 27, 2007

Girlfriends Ep.9 (11/26)

Episode 9: Nov. 26

Maya, who now spends her free time spying on neighbors, is offered an opportunity to utilize her writing skills in her own monthly column in the neighborhood newsletter. After insisting that she check with her "agent" as to not violate her "exclusivity clause," she and Darnell determine that it's a good way for her to start writing again.

After receiving zero credit for leading a merger, and being called "aggressive" while defending his position to another lawyer in the firm, William realizes that he'll never shake the fact that he's just another Black man. "You play the game, climb the ladder, and then this happens." (Believe me William, I know all about that). Monica convinces him to stand up for himself but he decides to start his own firm...however, (after looking at the ultrasound of little baby Dent) he decides not to. I guess he needs something a little more definite for the new baby.

November 26, 2007

ANTM Ep.10 (11/21)

ANTM - cwtv
Episode 10: November 21th

See ya Lisa!
Tyra must be out her damn mind! It's bad enough Bianca is still in the competition, but what justifies keeping Heather over of Lisa? Yes it was very obvious (to me at least) that Lisa's confidence has diminished during the last couple of weeks. Why? Who knows. But Heather! Last episode she couldn't remember her lines in the fashion show. None of them! And this week she couldn't even get the lines right for her CoverGirl commercial when Mr. J. fed her the lines one by one. So now she's not even good at repeating what the hell somebody else just said. It's any body's game now.

The Challenge - Crouching Top Model
So the lovely ladies headed to China where they spent about 10 minutes fighting over beds and harassing Heather who has no ability to stand up for herself. But anyway...their challenge was to strike martial arts positions while hanging from wires in mid air. Bianca punked out due to her so called fear of heights and had the nerve to say she won't let them send her home because she wouldn't "fly 30 feet in the air." Well I'm sure I can think of at least 10 other reasons to send her home. Heather won and took Chantal with her on a shopping spree.

Photo Shoot - CoverGirl Queen
Today was the models' first opportunity to prove to the judges that they can be a CoverGirl. They shot both a print ad and a commercial for the CoverGirl Queen Collection and the new campaign, "Every Woman is a Queen." Though provided with a written script, they were allowed to add a personal touch by stating what makes them a queen.

The Panel - Tyra, Twiggy, Nigel, Jeffrey Chu, & Ms. J
Who Was Great?

Saleisha - Damn girl! Saleisha held it down and Mr. J was pretty much speechless. I thought she appeared very natural and likable. The panel loves how she does the "little things" that make her sexy and beautiful. Her photo, on the other hand, wasn't all that great. Tyra said she needs to work on her smiles which tend to make her eyes squinty. In general the panel agrees that she's getting better.

Chantal - Her commercial was on point and loved by the judges. Her lines flowed smoothly and she was able to portray that naturalness that made her personality stand out. Ms. J and Tyra said in her photo she looked like she was from Sunny Brook Farm and she doesn't know how to smile sometimes.

Who Was OK
Bianca - Clearly acting is not in her future. Her lines were choppy, she yelled at the screen, and for some reason she reminds me of Elmo. The panel said her commercial sucked but she looked beautiful. I disagree with the beautiful part.

Jenah - No acting in her future either. Her delivery wasn't fluid and there was nothing natural about it. Nigel said she lacked charm and sincerity. That means she doesn't have a personality (or at least it didn't come through in her commercial). I guess she was too focused on remembering her lines. This print ad was probably her best photo yet because you couldn't see her face. Sorry Jenah fans...I still ain't feeling this chick. Neither is Nigel.

Bottom 2
Lisa - She just couldn't get the lines out. Then her nerves surfaced in the form of tears. What's sad is that she let her fear take control. She screwed up a few lines but that's what editing is for. Mr. J. told her she wasn't expected to do it perfectly but she was too focused on failing. Her photo was good but Tyra felt she can't handle critiques. But we all know the real reason she went home...her makeover exposed that big ass forehead of hers.

Heather - Bianca was right. Heather can do no wrong. Because this CoverGirl shoot was about as wrong as it gets. This is far beyond forgetting lines...Mr. J. said she couldn't even mimic the lines he fed her and all she had to do was repeat them. Tyra said he shouldn't have been feeding her lines in the first place and she was getting special treatment. Her photo was the first in which she was smiling. The panel was impressed. I wasn't. I thought Tyra was joking when she handed her the photo. There's no way in hell Heather should still be in this competition.

Who got called first?
Chantal (I thought Saleisha was better).

Covergirl of the Week?
Heather...are we surprised?

Who's going home next week?
My bottom 2 predictions:
Bianca - There's no need for detail.

Jenah - She needs to step up her game. But unless she can come up with a personality over the next couple of episodes her time is up.

November 7, 2007

ANTM Ep.7&8 (11/7)

ANTM - cwtv
Episode 7&8: November 7th

See ya Sarah!
Well there's really not much to say about Sarah leaving besides the fact that she cried like a 2 year old. I guess I can't blame her. The panel said she was in the competition as a plus-size model but she wasn't 'plus' anymore. According to Tyra, as a model you have to be either very thin or plus-size and Sarah just doesn't fit. I don't get it. Tyra should know better. Her shot in the video was bad though. It was definitely the worst. I still would rather have seen Chantal go home.

It's not youtube yet either. Don't trust it, it's a different version. is where you can see the ANTM version

I'll post it when I can figure out how

The Challenge - Music Video Model
Tyra schooled the ladies on being sexy and moving for a TV camera. (Why they had to wear those awful leotards - I have no idea). She gave them lessons on the sexy runway walk, the hoochie-free wall slide, the sexy crawl, and of course the flirt with the camera. Tyra said Heather had a dark and mysterious sexuality during her crawl. Bianca wasn't too happy about it and said Heather can do no wrong and really looked like a hot ass mess. I'd have to agree with her on that one. I thought Heather was about to crawl out of my TV.

Video Shoot - Tired of Being Sorry (Enrique Iglesias)
Enrique and Jessy Terrero chose Lisa and Heather to get features in this dark video. They said they needed someone "vampiresque" that could rock a gothic vibe. I was kind of surprised they picked Lisa. They didn't seem to have much to go on besides looks even though they claimed that they got to know the women a little bit and considered their personalities...I doubt it.

The Panel - Tyra, Twiggy, Nigel, Jessy Terrero, & Ms. J
Who Was Great?

Saleisha - Tyra said she was good at being devilish because she's not so sure if she can shake that "girl next door" look. I think she did really good. I was impressed myself.

Heather - She pulled off a really fierce look in the video even though she almost died. Well that's not nice, but she did get sick and needed oxygen. I thought Heather looked really awkward for most of this entire episode but Tyra loves her. She said she learns quickly and can be coached. I say if they're casting for The Ring 3, I'm sure she'll fit in perfectly.

Lisa - Terrero said she nailed her video feature and the panel loved it and said she's a great actress. I thought she did pretty good. She's got a way of showing off those long legs of hers.

Jenah - Jenah didn't quite nail the vampire thing. Twiggy basically said Jenah needed a reality check from being told she can do no wrong. Good! That girl just does not do it for me. Her pictures are good sometimes but she needs another makeover on top of the one they already gave her. Then maybe she'll look better.

Bianca - She's still here?! Her video shot sucked. Can you say Playa's Club 2?? Jessy Terrero said he likes her confidence but the panel didn't appreciate her kissing at the camera for entire time it was on her. She's the official House Hater. Take a look at her face when someone else does better than her. She looks like she wants to stab 'em.

Ambreal - She just barely made it. Her video shot was to slide down the pole and I'll be dammed if she didn't forget everything Tyra had just taught her. Her slide wasn't hoochie-free and the panel was not impressed. Terrero saved her though saying that she connected with the camera. Twiggy said she never does anything for her. I feel the same way. She's still dead in the eyes.

Bottom 2
Chantal - The closer she gets to the door the happier I'll be. Terrero and the rest of the panel felt she was stiff and didn't own her part of the video. Tyra said she was disappointed and her shot was a waste of film. Good! I'm so ready for her to leave!

Sarah - The panel said she looked embarrassed and awkward. They were right. Half the time she looked like she didn't even know they were filming. She wasn't comfortable in her outfit and she looked like she didn't want to be there. Lately she was becoming more and more insecure about her size compared to the other girls.

Who got called first?

CoverGirl of the Week?
Heather! Let's just give her CoverGirl of the season

Who's going home next week?
My bottom 2 predictions:

Chantal - She's not nearly as good as she thinks she is. Actually she sucks pretty bad and she doesn't have a personality. She can kick rocks.

Ambreal - Jessy Terrero saved her from the bottom two this week. I don't see her making it much further. Her face isn't nearly strong enough.

November 5, 2007

Girlfriends Ep.6 (11/5)

Episode 6: Nov. 5

Maya confesses to Joan that she feels worse about losing her book than she does about losing the baby and she's tired of having to act the way everyone expects a grieving mother to act. Joan is convinced that Maya is in denial and despite Lynn's suggestion to let her grieve in her own way, she decides that Maya needs shopping therapy.

In the meantime, Monica announces to William that they're having a baby. His less than enthused response is "can we do this wonderful thing tomorrow" (she was interupting his 'man cave moment' complete with beer, football, and lounging in his underwear). This of course results in a fight in which William accuses Monica of getting pregnant on purpose seeing as how nothing "just happens" with her. According to him they decided to wait a year. She quickly reminded him that his penis didn't wait a year.

Back to the shopping trip. Joan continues to tell Maya that she's in denial and shopping will make her feel better about "other things." Since Maya refuses to "shop and heal" Joan says she'll shop and heal for her. Then she starts acting all crazy and obsessive and I figured it was just a matter of time before Maya slapped her. But Maya decides she leaving and finds dozens of articles about Iraq and e-mails from Aaron in Joan's purse. And the truth comes out...Joan is the one in "retail therapy."

Maya calls Lynn for backup for a "code 6" (distressed shopper) and they both talk to Joan outside of the dressing room. Joan finally breaks down about how no one even mentions Aaron or asks how he's doing. They just act like he's dead. Maya and Lynn tell Joan they really just don't know what to say and don't want to constantly remind her that he's over there. Joan spends the next few minutes crying on the floor in the dressing room. Her friends finally go in to console her.

OK so that's two weeks in a row on the drama train. I didn't exactly see this one coming either. That's 3 out of 6 episodes this season that resulted in someone crying at the end of the show.

October 29, 2007

Girlfriends Ep.5 (10/29)

Episode 5: Oct. 29

Every so often the situational comedy becomes the "situational tragedy." This episode dealt with the tragic loss of Maya's and Darnell's baby. The last episode ended with Maya stressing out over her latest book and suddenly bleeding on the couch. This episode fast forwards a couple of weeks to how Maya, Darnell, and the rest of the crew are handling the situation.

Amidst plans for Monica's & William's thank you dinner party is the obvious tension between Maya and Darnell who have not yet grieved for the lost of their baby. The tension between them and the sensitivity of the circumstances creates very awkward instances in which the crew just doesn't know what to say or do. Should they visit the couple? Should they postpone the dinner party? Should they mention what happened? No one really knows and they don't want to offend or hurt their friends.

Maya convinces everyone that she's OK and to have the dinner party but shows up without Darnell after a fight during which she accuses him of blaming her for losing the baby. Darnell shows up wanting to talk so they talk it out in front of the whole crew. All Darnell wanted was to talk to someone because he felt alone. Maya wouldn't talk about it and his dad told him to man up (wow). Once they were OK the dinner continued and everything seemed back to normal (well as normal as it could be). At the very end of the show Maya finds a book that Darnell bought for their baby. This leads to his total breakdown and quite the sad end of the show.

I wasn't quite mentally prepared for this episode. I thought Maya was going to learn to take it easy and I was all ready for a good laugh. And Even though Darnell convinces Maya that he doesn't blame her and the doctor said it was nothing they could've done, I can't help but wonder if Maya blames herself. If she does I wonder how this will play out the rest of the season.

October 25, 2007

ANTM Ep.6 (10/24)

ANTM - cwtv
Episode 6: October 24th

See ya Ebony!
Without question this was one the worst pictures I've ever seen on the show. But Tyra gave her another shot! That's right...Ebony didn't get picked to go home but said "you know what Tyra, this modeling thing just isn't for me." To which Tyra responded, "The most unattractive thing in the world to me is a roll out chick!" (well, something like that). I'm no psychologist but if you want to know my take on this I saved it for the end, so check it out.

The Challenge - I Have a Purpose
Tyson Beckford schooled the ladies on being a spokesperson then met them at the "I am African" campaign which supports "Keep a Child Alive" (a response to the AIDS epidemic in Africa). The models were divided in groups of 3 and had 30 minutes to create a 30 second PSA. Ambreal, Jenah, and Heather won. Heather then won a photo shoot with Mary J. Blige because her name got picked out of a bowl. I was impressed with all the groups but I think Bianca's group would've won if she hadn't forgot her lines.

Photo Shoot - Recycle Your Outfit
"As America's Next Top Model, you have to give back." Each model took a high fashion photo representing various recyclable materials.

The Panel - Tyra, Twiggy, Nigel, Tyson, & Ms. J
Who Was Great?

Saleisha (car parts) - The panel agreed this was the best shot of the week. It was "beautiful and high fashion" and she's definitely improving. I really wasn't all that impressed with any of the photo's this week so I can go along with that. She did a good job.

Jenah (cardboard)- The Panel loves her. I think her pose was great but her face wasn't. I know she has potential but I still don't like her. Mr. J says her strong point is her ability to take direction which is a vital attribute to remain successful in the business. Twiggy must be her biggest fan.

Heather (aluminum cans) - She finally got that straight-on shot the panel wanted to see. They called it "brilliant, strong, and confident." Bullsh*t! HATED IT. Her others have been so much better.

Bianca (oil) - She finally learned to "smile with her eyes" just like Tyra told her last week. Tyra said her face was "stunning and alive." Can you hear me groaning? The panel thinks she needs more practice but there's hope for her. I say...don't let that Hood fool you! Her words and actions are strategic...not genuine. She'll never make it. However, her face looked really good in this photo. She should've had on her Beyonce' wig though. Her face kind of looked like her. I give her 2 more weeks tops! Maybe one!

Sarah (garbage bags) - Mr. J thought she was creative and the panel agreed that her photo was "well done." They also feel that by losing weight she's losing her spot in a niche career as a "plus-size" model. I didn't like this photo AT ALL. I thought it was one of her worst. She won't last much longer.

Lisa (plastic bottles) - Lisa provides great poses using those long limbs of hers and really impressed Mr. J. But Tyra said her risks aren't risky enough. The panel actually liked her photo but are beginning to feel she's a little too "stagnant and stuck in a comfort zone." I'm not sure if I agree but I think she can step it up. But what the hell is up with her hair?!

Chantal (newspaper) - Seriously, this was in my personal bottom 3 and I can't imagine that I'm alone on this one. This photo sucked. Tyra said it was a money shot but her film "wasn't the best." I'm ready for her to go home now. Her time is near.

Bottom 2
Ebony (bubble wrap) - This girl done lost her damn mind. Let me break this down. It was never a secret that Ebony couldn't handle the criticism. Tyra even said that it's not modeling that doesn't work for her, it's being told she's not perfect. The Real Deal...Ebony was insecure from the beginning and tried to hide it with false confidence. Somebody, somewhere broke that girl down a long time ago and this was her attempt to prove something to herself and to all those around her. But when faced with the same criticism that she's been battling for years, it just broke her back down. She even said the criticism was "unfair." I can't fault her for having low confidence. I just hope she can get past it one day.

Ambreal (newspaper) - Talk about criticism! The panel said she was boring, inexperienced, forgot about her face, sleepy in the eyes, and Mr. J said there were NO positives about her photo shoot. She was supposed to go home but Ebony saved her. She's outta here. If she hasn't stepped it up yet, she's not going to.

Who got called first?

Covergirl of the Week?
Heather! What is this the 5th week in a row? Way to go!

Who's going home next week?
My bottom 2 predictions:

Sarah - She's not bad, the competition is just about to get tough. She's mediocre and won't make the cut much longer.

Ambreal - Good poses just aren't gonna cut it.
My take on Ambreal is that her dancing experience gives her those great poses but her face just doesn't get it. She simply doesn't know how to give a great face. It's always BLAH.

October 24, 2007

ANTM Picture Gallery

Episode 6
Give Back - Recycle









Episode 5

High Fashion Gargoyle










Episode 4

I'm a Flower











October 22, 2007

Girlfriends Ep.4 (10/22)

Episode 4: Oct. 22

Joan just can't seem to get control of her control issues. She won't stop barging in on her new tenant (Lynn) without ringing the doorbell first. She walks in barking out new rules, and yelling at Lynn about trashcans and vegetable oil stains in the driveway. She then states that she doesn't want "strangers" or Lynn's band members in her home..."a haven of quiet on very peaceful street." She's concerned about what her neighbors will think about her. She doesn't even live there! How does Joan always manage to make everything about her? The nerve of her to tell Lynn her peeps can't come over!

Lynn assures Joan that her neighbors celebrated when she moved and calls her a "messed up control freak with too much time on her hands." Joan tells Lynn she needs to stop slutting around and asks her if she's "really that desperate." After a couple more harsh words the ladies make up and get over it.

Despite Maya's publishing company deciding to cancel book #3, she decides she's going to write a book so damn good they'll be banging her door down as soon as they see it. Realizing she needs to "write a book real quick," she begins stressing and overworking herself. Darnell is concerned about her stress levels and tells her this just isn't the time. Her fibroids require her to stay off her feet during her pregnancy and he doesn't want her under any stress. She doesn't listen and insist on saving her writing career. At the end of the show she begins to bleed...then the scene ends. I hope she's ok.

October 17, 2007

ANTM Ep.5 (10/17)

ANTM - cwtv
Episode 5: October 17th

See ya Janet!
Clearly I'm not a judge for a reason. After seeing the photo shoot today I thought I knew for sure who was going home...Sarah. Talk about not following direction. That's a major no-no in the modeling word. But I guess Janet had an even bigger no-no...needing too much direction. In person Janet had them all beat. Even though her photos didn't typically move me, I figured it was only a matter of time. I guess not! Nevertheless, I'm thoroughly upset. Once you got down to that bottom 3 the panel chose, Janet's pictures just didn't compete with Sarah and Ambreal (I won't discuss the fact that THEY shouldn't have even been the bottom 3).

The Challenge - Models on Ice
I was scared for these women when Benny Ninja said they were going to pose on the ice IN THE AIR. After practicing on a trampoline (which was downright painful to watch) the ladies got to practice while just standing. Then it was off to the ice where a male skater flipped them over his head as they had to express a specific emotion. Lisa won and no one seemed too happy about it because they thought Ambreal should have won. But Ninja said she overdid it. Lisa won a photo shoot
with Dani for Akademiks in Seventeen Magazine. Dani was the Cycle 6 winner and a judge of the challenge.

Photo Shoot - Super Duper High Fashion Gargoyle
"Sometimes the world of high fashion will take you to new heights and push you to the edge of your limits." The models had to pose as gargoyles in high fashion gear and appear as if they were on the edge of a building.

The Panel - Tyra, Twiggy, Nigel, Benny Ninja, & Ms. J
Who Was Great?

Lisa - Once she stopped over thinking her poses, she ended up taking the best picture of the bunch. Sometimes she appears a bit insecure and she was bothered by her jealous competition who became haters when she won the challenge. Tyra told her not to "dull her shine for somebody else." - I like that.

Saleisha - Tyra said that her bottom two shock from last week was the wake-up call she needed and she was proud of her performance. Compared to last week she definitely looked a lot more confident.

Jenah - The Panel agreed that this was a different side of Jenah and she usually looks soft. I see what they mean but I've been more impressed by her photos in the past. I was NOT impressed by this one. Her body was good but her face sucked. Tyra said she looks raggedy at panel and fantastic in photos. I told ya'll she looks like a hillbilly.

Ebony - Mr. J said she's "dull as dishwater." LOL. Well yes she lacks in the personality department but the panel seems to think that she's growing and this photo was "absolutely stunning." I thought her body was good but the angle of her face looked like a man. At panel she said she doesn't smile because she thinks she has big gums (LOL). She MUST work on her personality and her confidence. These good photos aren't going to save her forever.

Heather - This girl makes a helluva gargoyle! She can come up with the best body poses but the panel is tired of seeing her profile. Tyra said she's in her comfort zone and lacks confidence in "straight-on" photos. She's "stunning" in straight-on poses and needs to get it together. I agree but it doesn't seem to matter what the hell Heather does, her photos are always on point. She just needs that versatility

Chantal - Has anyone else noticed the way she approaches the panel like she's in some kind of pageant with that big ridiculous smile on her face? She tries to display a confidence and a sweetness that I don't think is there. I'm less and less impressed by her every week. Hell I coulda took a picture like that one. The panel thought it was "pretty good."

Bianca - Mr. J thought she "turned the shoot out." The panel thought it was a beautiful photo and one of her best. Well it was definitely one of her best...but that really doesn't take much seeing as how all of her other photos looked like crap. I don't care how many good photos she takes, her jealousy of anyone in the spotlight is her own worst enemy. She's a hater by nature.

Not So Great
Sarah - It was obvious from the photo shoot that she totally bombed. I thought her photo was the worst of the bunch tonight. She was just standing there. There was no gargoyle and the panel felt she totally missed the point and didn't do what she was asked. I like Sarah but she has to think outside the box from now on. I thought this photo was going to send her home.

Ambreal - She just keeps giving them the same face! Her body poses are graceful and beautiful but she totally lacks creativity. Ms. J said she looked like a "fashionable robot." I was disappointed. She looked like a damn gymnast on that trampoline. Without versatility, her time is coming sooner than I thought. I'm not going to put her in my bottom two predictions because I think she's going to step it up next week. We'll see. Her confidence has taken a couple of blows. I hope it doesn't affect her.

Janet - Janet was so worried about her white panties she couldn't relax, let go, and just take the picture . It was agreed that she needs too much direction and can't seem to get the poses right on her own. Based on all her photos alone I think the panel was right on. However, I think other people (Bianca) have been given far too many chances and Janet deserved another chance. She just needed a little more time to grow.

Who got called first?

Covergirl of the Week?
Heather! Again

Bottom 2?
Ambreal and Janet. Surprised? Well everyone is waiting to throw a party the day Bianca goes home. Every cycle it never fails...there's ONE person I simply cannot stand who manages to stick around FOREVER. Last season it was that damn Renee. This season I didn't think there was going to be one because I thought Bianca would've been long gone by now. Based on tonights episode alone I'm not surprised by the bottom two. But I never base my decision on one episode.

Who's going home next week?
My bottom 2 predictions:
Sarah - I figured once they got the really bad ones out, she's next. I like her and I think she's pretty and probably has the best personality out the bunch, but her face isn't strong enough.

Bianca - I won't give up. I think based on her lack of modeling skills her time has to be up. Four weeks in a row they said she doesn't even know how to be a model! I think she got lucky this week. She sucks. Not just her attitude. I don't like her as a model.