Episode 11: November 28th
See ya Heather!
Had I realized that this was "Go See" week, I would've known good and damn well that Heather's time was up. However, it wasn't solely for her lack of a decent runway walk or social skills as I assumed it would be. Turns out, she wasn't even smart enough to make it to her go-sees in the first place. She wandered around the streets of China without even the slightest clue. She even lost her cab. Jenah didn't even offer her a ride. Competitive move or just plain rude?

Go Sees Already? Wow
For you new Top Model watchers, a "go see" is when a model meets with a client who then decides whether or not to book her for the job. The ladies have to impress the designers with their portfolio, runway walk, and of course their personality. Whoever impresses the most clients and actually makes it back to the model agency in time wins. Only Bianca and Saleisha made it back on time. Apparently the designers felt that all Saleisha's photo's looked the same and Bianca won the challenge...an ad campaign for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
Photo Shoot - Stand out in a Crowd
Surrounded by dancing colorful Chinese lions, dragons, and who knows what else, the top five had to prove they could stand out in a crowd in their photo. Photographed my Mr. Nigel himself, Jenah managed to make him dislike her even more than he already did with her cocky ass attitude and big mouth.
The Panel - Tyra, Twiggy, Nigel, Susan Yang (model agency director), & Ms. J
Who Was Great?
Saleisha - The designers all felt she was nice and had a great personality. How do you say "ass kisser" in Chinese? Nigel said he was her favorite to shoot. Her photo was unquestionably the best and Tyra said this was the first time she didn't look like a "commercial girl trying to be edgy." I'd have to agree. I was impressed. She gets better every week...however, her goofy, ass kissing personality is starting to bug me. At first I thought it was cute...it's not anymore.
Chantal - I thought she looked like a mannequin during her shoot. Mr. J. and Nigel said her poses were forced and lacked that certain naturalness. But her shot turned out pretty good. Aside from not wearing nude toned undies on her go sees, she was well liked by the designers.
Who Was OK
Bianca - The panel agreed that her body language was great but her faced looked bored and tired. Nigel said her transitions from one pose to the next weren't fluid and it was his least favorite photo. It looked to me like she was putting too much thought into her next pose. It didn't come naturally.
Bottom 2
Jenah - Am I the only one who's noticed that Jenah's bottom row of teeth look like they're all in a fight with each other? Who in the hell does this chick think she is? Jenah has this whole competition all wrong. She claimed that she didn't have to impress the designers on the go sees and for some reason she didn't see the need to impress Nigel during the shoot saying she wasn't intimidated by him. Wow! Nigel said he managed to get a good shot but he's not the least bit impressed with her arrogance or sarcasm. The designers said she was "messy looking and could stand to be more personable." I say she's about 10 years too late on a set of braces. She can't be a CoverGirl with teeth like that! What's she gonna be on the cover of?... You Need Some F**king Braces Magazine?
Heather - Mr. J said she second guessed herself but her photo managed to come out flawless. How does she do that? She only made it to one go see and had the nerve to be late back to the agency. Ms. J said her runway walk warranted a "top model ass kickin." Ya think?! Nigel said he's concerned about her communication skills. Well duh! It took 3/4 of a season to figure that out? Well Heather...I guess you can't take flawless photos if you can't even make it to the client. At least someone else gets to be CoverGirl of the Week.
Who got called first?
CoverGirl of the Week?
Heather...do we care anymore?
Who's going home next week?
My bottom 2 predictions:
Jenah and Chantal...I would say Bianca but she's already defied the laws of the universe by even being in the top 10.
1 comment:
at least jenah is not fake
her photoshoots are the best so far
and she can definitely wins the competition if saleisha didnt go to the stupid tzone camp and also,
i dont see high fashionn in her
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