November 26, 2007

ANTM Ep.10 (11/21)

ANTM - cwtv
Episode 10: November 21th

See ya Lisa!
Tyra must be out her damn mind! It's bad enough Bianca is still in the competition, but what justifies keeping Heather over of Lisa? Yes it was very obvious (to me at least) that Lisa's confidence has diminished during the last couple of weeks. Why? Who knows. But Heather! Last episode she couldn't remember her lines in the fashion show. None of them! And this week she couldn't even get the lines right for her CoverGirl commercial when Mr. J. fed her the lines one by one. So now she's not even good at repeating what the hell somebody else just said. It's any body's game now.

The Challenge - Crouching Top Model
So the lovely ladies headed to China where they spent about 10 minutes fighting over beds and harassing Heather who has no ability to stand up for herself. But anyway...their challenge was to strike martial arts positions while hanging from wires in mid air. Bianca punked out due to her so called fear of heights and had the nerve to say she won't let them send her home because she wouldn't "fly 30 feet in the air." Well I'm sure I can think of at least 10 other reasons to send her home. Heather won and took Chantal with her on a shopping spree.

Photo Shoot - CoverGirl Queen
Today was the models' first opportunity to prove to the judges that they can be a CoverGirl. They shot both a print ad and a commercial for the CoverGirl Queen Collection and the new campaign, "Every Woman is a Queen." Though provided with a written script, they were allowed to add a personal touch by stating what makes them a queen.

The Panel - Tyra, Twiggy, Nigel, Jeffrey Chu, & Ms. J
Who Was Great?

Saleisha - Damn girl! Saleisha held it down and Mr. J was pretty much speechless. I thought she appeared very natural and likable. The panel loves how she does the "little things" that make her sexy and beautiful. Her photo, on the other hand, wasn't all that great. Tyra said she needs to work on her smiles which tend to make her eyes squinty. In general the panel agrees that she's getting better.

Chantal - Her commercial was on point and loved by the judges. Her lines flowed smoothly and she was able to portray that naturalness that made her personality stand out. Ms. J and Tyra said in her photo she looked like she was from Sunny Brook Farm and she doesn't know how to smile sometimes.

Who Was OK
Bianca - Clearly acting is not in her future. Her lines were choppy, she yelled at the screen, and for some reason she reminds me of Elmo. The panel said her commercial sucked but she looked beautiful. I disagree with the beautiful part.

Jenah - No acting in her future either. Her delivery wasn't fluid and there was nothing natural about it. Nigel said she lacked charm and sincerity. That means she doesn't have a personality (or at least it didn't come through in her commercial). I guess she was too focused on remembering her lines. This print ad was probably her best photo yet because you couldn't see her face. Sorry Jenah fans...I still ain't feeling this chick. Neither is Nigel.

Bottom 2
Lisa - She just couldn't get the lines out. Then her nerves surfaced in the form of tears. What's sad is that she let her fear take control. She screwed up a few lines but that's what editing is for. Mr. J. told her she wasn't expected to do it perfectly but she was too focused on failing. Her photo was good but Tyra felt she can't handle critiques. But we all know the real reason she went home...her makeover exposed that big ass forehead of hers.

Heather - Bianca was right. Heather can do no wrong. Because this CoverGirl shoot was about as wrong as it gets. This is far beyond forgetting lines...Mr. J. said she couldn't even mimic the lines he fed her and all she had to do was repeat them. Tyra said he shouldn't have been feeding her lines in the first place and she was getting special treatment. Her photo was the first in which she was smiling. The panel was impressed. I wasn't. I thought Tyra was joking when she handed her the photo. There's no way in hell Heather should still be in this competition.

Who got called first?
Chantal (I thought Saleisha was better).

Covergirl of the Week?
Heather...are we surprised?

Who's going home next week?
My bottom 2 predictions:
Bianca - There's no need for detail.

Jenah - She needs to step up her game. But unless she can come up with a personality over the next couple of episodes her time is up.

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